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Monday, April 6, 2009

Sweet Success! ---The Real Source

Have you ever accomplished something big that made others question, "How did you do that?" What was your response? Did you harp on the importance of hard work? Did you stick out your chest and talk about your abilities and talents?

Does success really come from these things? The Bible says no. So where does success come from? In these economically hard times, every SMBW wants to show what a valuable addition she is to the team. Doing so means showing a track record of success.

So just where does success come from? It comes from God. God is the creator of heaven and earth. He made all the materials we use to build and manufacture the goods we've come to rely upon. He made [wo]man, a marvelous mix of neurons, blood vessels, and organs capable of amazing things. As the creator of all, naturally God is source of success.

God's Word is a pathway to that success. In Joshua 1 v 8, God tells the newly minted leader, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."

The key is to recognize God as the source of our successes. Daniel was granted success and promotion the courts of King Nebuchadnezzar. He could have attributed it to his good looks, wisdom, knowledge and being a quick study. These where all the things the king was looking for when he found Daniel and his three friends. But God was the one who brought favor and good will upon him. Daniel acknowledged this at the first chance he got, "Blessed be the name of God forever and ever. For wisdom and might are His" -Daniel 2 v 20.

During Your Lunch Time, Read: Joshua 1 v 1-9

After Reading, Meditate on This: How have you explained successes in your life? When you think of God as creator of all and the source of success, how would you now explain that success? Pray to God thanking for all the success He has blessed your with; come up with a new response to explain success

If you have read this and you do not have a personal relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ the Son, God is the source of success whether you have acknowledged Him or not. Matthew 4 v 45 says,"For He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good. and sends the rain on the just and the unjust." God gives all a time success and prosperity. But in the end, continued success is the result of a Godly relationship in good standing. Why not start that relationship today?

Pray this prayer:

Lord God,
I recognize that You are the Creator of all and the God of good success. I tried on my own to create success. Now I would now like to turn that job back over to you. I accept your son, Jesus Christ, and his death and resurrection for my sin. And now I pledge to turn my life and my way of doing things over to You in exchange for Your divine favor and purpose. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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