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Monday, March 25, 2013

Husband and Friend

Last week David and I met our eight month mark! Every day we're learning to better communicate with each other and work together. Knowing this makes me excited for the next mile marker in our relationship.

However as I move closer to my husband, I feel distant in my friendships.

(Image Courtesy of

Friends who I hung out with virtually every weekend have been sort of an afterthought lately. It is not their fault. Rather it is a juggling act that I am still learning to perfect.

One thing I've learned so far is you have to work a little bit each day to have a lasting marriage. However I don't want to be one of those wives that are so totally absorbed in their spouses that they've forgotten their friends and family.

Friendships give me a sense of community. But in the case of at least one friend I reconnected with recently, some friends don't understand that marriage changes one's priorities and I can't party like when I was unattached.

David has been supportive of my desire to reconnect with friends. I think it helps that I make sure he knows my friends and that I discuss (in advance!) when I want to have a girl's night out.

Another way to balance things is to include your spouse in the fun. Have double dates with your married /engaged friends or just hang out together at the movies. Just make sure your spouse doesn't feel like the third wheel.

 Facebook has been a saving grace when I can't connect with friends in person. I can see what people are doing, exchange news and give words of encourage.

Phone calls are a great way reconnect and fellowship with friends.

I also pray for my friends when they cross my mind.

Balance is key in any part of life. Don't believe me? Check out Ecclesiastes 3 Hopefully this post helps other newlyweds balance their marriage and friendships.


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