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Monday, March 9, 2020

International Women's Month - My Favorite Women in the Bible

March is International Women's Month. It's a time to celebrate the greatest women of history. I don't have to look all that far to find amazing women that have made their mark on me.

There's my beautiful mother who I can always turn to for advice. There are my amazing friends. And, on my desk there's a book filled with the tales of  fierce, hardworking and courageous woman who refused take no for answer.

It's called the Bible. Here a few of those courageous women...

1. Esther

               At first glance, she was just a pretty face. But right away the guards figured out that she was a true beauty inside and out. While all the woman around her were cake-facing it up in the hopes of snagging a wealthy and powerful husband, Esther showed she that she knows who she is and is strong enough to stick to her beliefs. Turns out that's just want the king wanted, and she won his heart.

             As time goes on she faced another test of her realness. Her people were on the verge of genocide because a petty disagreement. As queen, she could have just forgot her roots and turned a blind eye to the injustice, or she could choose to become a voice for the abused and mistreated.

             She chose the latter and became something of a warrior queen, emboldening her people to take up arms and fight for their freedom. Yes, she is a biblical Katness.

2. Ruth 

          It Hallmark movies are more your speed, there's Ruth. Her story starts with heartbreak. She has lost everything: her home, her family, her husband. She could have wallowed in that sadness, but instead she chose adventure. She told her mother in law that she's moving with her to a new to city so she could start over.

          Her decision to let go of the past and blaze a new path wasn't an easy one. Ruth and her mother in a law were forced to scavenge for food, literally living hand to mouth. But her risk paid off when she met and eventually married a wealthy man.

          Now listen up -- the moral of the story isn't to wed a rich person, its to be bold enough that when things are going badly to start over, blaze a new path in life.

3.  The Virtuous Wife 

           We never quite learn her name, but what's so impressive about she had her own goals and dreams outside of her marriage. And, she didn't wait on a husband to get them done. She ran several business, plus wore the title of boss at home.

             Even more exciting, there's not one mention of her husband giving his input. She's got this and she does not need her man's help. #BossBae

4. Mary Magdelene

             Here's a woman that defied not just the social norms about what a "good" woman looks like, she also defied the religious male hierarchy. In short, Mary started out as a hooker, but ended up becoming one of Jesus's disciples, leading the way for a bunch of women who helped spreading the gospel after His death, burial, resurrection and ascension.

             She wasn't part of the 12, but she wasn't afraid to sit at Jesus's feet and learn from Him--even though that was a role traditionally meant for men. When one of her friends tried to call her into the kitchen to do more "gender appropriate" job, she ignored her and chose education over busy work.
Guess what? Jesus backed her up.

              Get it girl!


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