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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Perfectly Positioned

Nov. 4 is past; the elections are over. No matter who you supported, there are lessons to be learned from our new president elect. Looking at Barack Obama's background -born to both black and white parents, having various international ties, going to private schools, living with his blue collar grandparents, being the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, being a community organizer - it all led up to this moment. Everything in his life, every experience, every lesson, every job, equipped him to successfully take on the campaign trail and appeal to the masses as he did on election night.

Now, consider for a second that our lives are the same way. Everything we are doing, every decision we make in the now, is preparing us for our future. That's a powerful thought. Consider where are you for a second: consider your job, consider your social circle, consider your decisions of late. What kind of future are you setting yourself up for?

God knows what kind of future He's setting you up for. In Jeremiah 29 v 11, God says He has planned good things for us so we can have a hopeful future. However we can only experience those good things if we follow the advise in God's handbook, the Bible.In John 15 v 7, Jesus said, "If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you."

When we demonstrate love, joy, peace, and all the other Fruits of the Spirit on the job, you are bound to set yourself a part from everyone in a positive way at the job. When we live a holy lifestyle like Daniel, we get God's divine favor. And if your know the story of Daniel, then you know that God's favor is better than any hook up you could ever get from any man or woman!

The opposite is also true. When you are out of step with God's Word, don't expect for God to lend his blessings to your mess. In John 15 v 5, Jesus explains it this way, "I am the vine, you are the branches. [S]he who abides in Me and I in [her], bears much fruit; for without Me, you can do nothing." God is our source, our stability, our hope. Jesus, through his sacrifice on the cross, is our connection. The Holy Spirit is our constant reminder. Without the three, we are left out in dark, messing around with no purpose, no aim towards the future.

During Your Lunch Time, Read: John 15 v 1 through 8

After Reading, Meditate on This: Think on your experience on all your experience up until now. How do you think God is using you? Have you stayed in God's will so that He can truly build on that potential? Or, have you been living your own way thinking God is just going to have to take you as you are?

If the last thought reminds you of you, then you need to think again. Take a hard look at John 15 v 7. God's best is reserved for those who love Him and follow his commandments.

If you have read this and you do not have a personal relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ the Son, the perfect position in your career and in life starts with a relationship with God through his son Jesus Christ. Before you can get the boss to put in a good word for a promotion, you must first have a good relationship with him/her. The same is true with God.

Get in a quiet place and pray this prayer:

Lord God,
I have meddled around in the darkness of my sin long enough. I would now like your help to set my path straight and to establish my future above. I accept your son, Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for my sin as the connection I need to get right with you. I now accept that gift and pledge to turn my life and my way of doing things over to You in exchange for Your divine favor and purpose. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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