Living Joyfully Ever After Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Do You Have A Shoulder To Lean On?

Lately I've been dragging through each day. My 9-to-5 job has been full of cool but challenging projects this summer. I also picked up a part time job at CBS to build my career connections and also help boost our family's summer income. (Teachers do NOT get paid over the summer!) I've also been applying to internships.

As you can imagine, it's a challenge to be attentive wife with all those things going on.

Fortunately some ladies at church has come along side me to be an outlet. I can't tell you how great it was to just talk to another woman about what was going on at work and school. It's important to talk with your spouse, but I've learned that it also important to talk to people who've been where I am and have come out on the other side.

I also learned that I have to reach out for help. Being so tired, when I get home I just want to crawl in bed and veg out in front of the TV. But after doing that for some time, I have started to feel really alone in my plight.

In reality lots of wives are balancing career and family and are willing to share their tips.

When I was a teacher among teachers, we constantly talked about sharing "best practices." Sharing best practices meant swapping our best teacher tricks in hopes of becoming better instructors. As a new wife, I need some wives with whom I can swap tips so I can become a better, balanced spouse.

How do you deal with the work-home balance? Share how your support system helps you stay on track as a spouse?

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