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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Are We the Only Ones Struggling?

When my husband and I get into arguments, it often feels like we’re the only couple struggling with a particular issue – be it time management, venting frustrations or plain ole’ pet peeves. I can’t tell you the kind of isolation that thought brings.

Fortunately I learned the best way to put our growing pains in perspective is to talk with other married couples.

It’s amazing to learn how many other couples have gone through or are going through the same things, when you trade war stories, reveal your struggles and discuss how you handle difficulties with other couples in a safe, supportive space.

I discovered this when a friend of mine invited the hubs and I to participate in the Art of Marriage course at their home. The class has allowed us to meet with two other couples and converse about topics such as the purpose of marriage, marital roles, and healthy and unhealthy arguments. Together we share our difficulties and learn some best practices for our home lives. 
It is therapeutic almost to know that our experiences thus far are not alien to other marriages. 

Sometimes us ladies, our minds do tend to go to dark places when we think that a particular dispute, feeling or circumstance we’re having is abnormal. Knowing that we are not alone gives us the insight we need to take a step back, put things in perspective and address issues in a balanced way.

Being a member of online communities that discuss marital problems is great. I have found them helpful, and I would encourage others to join such virtual conversations. But I would also encourage newlyweds to connect with other married couples offline to talk and share perspectives.

Do you have a married couple that you can go to for advice? What do you talked about? What have you learned from them? Tell me all about it in the comments section below. Don't forget to subscribe and receive updates from my blog in your inbox!

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