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Monday, April 27, 2020

Coronavirus Diary: Making the Most of this Stay at Home Time

It's no surprise that people are protesting and gathering at beaches in parks despite officials' pleas.
Even with a horrible virus on the loose, it's hard to sit home knowing you're losing time, money and love ones.

But the Coronavirus demands we keep our distance.

 The good news is there are things we can do to make the most of this time.

1. Get Creative: I love looking at Instagram right now because we're seeing people really unleash their talents to inspire and reach others. You can do the same.

Maybe it's an instrument you haven't played in a while. Maybe you have the gift of gab. Or, maybe you can bake. As you tap into old hobbies and hidden interests, find ways to share your talents with your loved ones and the world.

2. Build Relationships: Here's one that's a challenge for me. I'm the kind of person who likes to immerse myself in work to the point I haven't called friends or family for weeks. But now there's plenty of time. Instead of reaching for the remote, reach for the phone. Call someone you haven't talk to in a while. You'll be surprised how good it feels.

Get a deep understanding of your spouse, partner, boyfriend, girlfriend. David and I have gotten creative about spending time together including baking and reading the same book together. We've also done just simple stuff like talking or walking the dogs together. It's been great. I feel like we've actually gotten a better understanding of each other.

3. Deepen your Faith: We're used to saying we're too busy to read the Bible, too busy to pray, too busy to worship. Now there's plenty of time to dig in. Don't know where to start?  Pick a Bible character and read his or her story.

  • Gideon is a great story man of finds confidence and sweet success in God.

  • Joseph is a man who hold on to his dreams even when things go sideways.

Or, turn to a guided study. The Youversion Bible App has plenty of them sorted by topics like worry and comfort or by known pastors.

4. Invest in Good Habits: Time is finally on our side. Consider using it to work out or learn to cook. I'm using it to clean and organize my home. I'm also making healthy smoothies. 

How are you making the most of your new found free time?


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