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Thursday, September 21, 2023

"My Happy Marriage" is Over!


My favorite hump day show has ended... Here's hoping there's a season 2!

The popular Japanese novel-turned anime-turned Netflix Original has been a delight for me personally. Viewers see the main character, Miyo Saimori, grow up from a down-throdden step-daughter abused by her super-powered family for her lack abilities to finally believing in herself.

What I love about this series is that at first I thought it would be the typical trope of a beautiful girl with low-self esteem being saved by a rich man with power and status. But somewhere along the way, it became about Miyo finding her voice, healing from her abusive upbringing and negative self talk, and finally becoming a  savior to the hero.  

The show is not perfect: storyline develops both too slow and too fast.  Too slow: The first two to three episodes felt more like extended trailers rather than episodes -- leaving me thinking "that's it?" when the credits began to roll.  Too fast: the series glides right by the story of Miyo's late mom Sumi. (It's not until the end when we finally get more info -- a ballsy move given how fickle streaming video watchers are).  We also barely get a view of the abuse Miyo endured before she's on to the good life with fiancee Kiyoka Kudo. Also, we barely get to see what Miyo and Kiyoka's good life looks like and how they actually fell in love. The Emperor's secret war also went too fast. What was it even about? 

There are many questions that we need a second season to understand:  who is Kiyoka Kudo? How did he and his family get to be so powerful? What is the Kudo family dynamic? (did they forget we were supposed to meet his father???)  How is Kaya -- the horrible step-sister-- being treated now that she's no longer the spoiled daughter of the weathy Saimoris? Does Kaya even really have powers? (My guess is she's been hyping up her abilities to make daddy love her more.) How did the Emperor turn evil and what exactly was he trying to do? Will Hazuki Kudi have another chance at happiness? 



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