For anyone who doesn't already know, 28 people died in the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting Friday. The shooter Adam Lanza went on a shooting spree, killing the principle, several teachers including his mother, a kindergarten teacher, and worst of all children. Then the shooter committed suicide, making himself victim 28.
The Newtown police has recently released a list of all the victims here, 20 children, 6 teachers. The oldest victim was age 56 and the youngest victims were 6.
One of the victim's parents, the father of Emilie Parker, publicly eulogized his daughter Saturday night. He doted on Emilie, describing her as a child who was kind to all she encountered. His words were sweet but also sad because his young daughter is no longer alive.
My prayers are with the Mr. Parker and all the other families, and like the president, I will be holding my loved one close.
Often times we take for granted that we have gone to work or school many times and returned home safely. But the truth is we never know when someone with bad intentions will cross our path or the paths of our loved ones.
This tragedy has taught me that I don't want to wait until an event happens to share my love and appreciation for my husband. He is a dedicated public school teacher who won me over with his acts of kindness and sincere heart. He is a blessing and I am proud to be his wife.
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