I started this challenge Monday (June 1) and the first three days have been a bit rocky.
I have never been a big water drinker so going into the challege, I really struggled to drink eight glasses. Monday I barely got in two glasses. Tuesday I got in four glasses.
I've been so obessessed with drinking water for the challenge that I forgot about the two servings of dark veggies a day.
I didn't even have any of these vegatables in my fridge! Today I'll be stopping by the grocery store to buy some greens for salads and green smoothees.
The easiest part of the boot camp so far are the hair rules: castor oil two times a week, little to no heat styling, and protective style. I already use little to no heat when doing my hair. Also I generally where my hair twisted or braided for most of week even though a protective style is optional to the challenge.
The castor oil is a fun twist for my hair care regiment. I usually use coconut oil in my hair. It is a fatty oil (good for moisture retenion) and is easily found at my local grocery store. I had to travel to Whole Foods for the castor oil and it was a bit pricey. However I have been curious about this oil for some time so I'm happy to switch out my coconut oil for the next three months.
I used the oil for the first time last night: it has a funky smell. Also it has a shampoo-like thickness. I had to check the bottle to make sure I had the right thing! I also noticed that a little goes a long way.
I'll let you how I'm doing with the challenge as the months go by.
For now, let me know if you are doing this challenge or have completed a similar hair challenge. What are/were your experiences? Also what do you think of castor oil as a hair product?
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