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Monday, July 20, 2015

#LifeGoals and Other Thoughts While Watching Bridget Jones Diary

It is amazing how much advice the Bridget Jones movie series has about relationships, work and life in general.

We all have favorite movies that we return to over and over again. For me, Bridget Jones's Diary and Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason are two of my go-to movies.

So last  Friday evening I curled up with a giant box of Pocky, a bottle of champagne (left over from my birthday party) and re-watched the funny tale of a middle-age British woman looking for love.

Here are some of my takeaways:

Self Improvement is Key - How can you not love Bridget's plucky plan to improve her life. If she can turn things around, so can you.

Don't Let Negative  Thoughts Get You Down. Dance Instead! - Sure, you've got no boyfriend, no money and no job prospects. But there's still Chaka Khan!

Be Yourself - No one can wear an outfit, hold a conversation or captivate an audience quite like you so own it.

Never Settle - The unknown is scary, but settling for less is even more frightening.

Wait for a Man Who Will Fight for You ...

And Who Will Love You for You.


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