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Friday, December 29, 2017

My Best Nine for 2017

It's almost the New Year, which means its time to get your #bestnineof2017. Those of you on Instagram know what I mean. It's the compilation of the nine photos that got the most likes.

Last year this was my best nine ...

 Those are some really nice pictures, and I'm glad y'all liked them. But what does it really say about my year. Nothing.  

I jumped on the link to make my best nine for 2017, but then I thought, do I really want to digital algorithm to tell me what was my best moments of the year or do I want to tell it myself.
So here is my best nine as told by me

There's nothing better than having a plan. I started off January strong thanks to the plans I put on paper in my Erin Condren Planner. I talked about it HERE on this blog.

With my vision all written out, it's no wonder that this next favorite moment of 2017 happened... my first producer credit for my first ever show!

I can't remember if it was the Late Edition or the 5 pm newscast. What I do know is that by the grace of God, I was able to move from not even being in the T.V. news industry to being a part-time production assistant working a set camera at Fox45, to being a full-time writer in the news room, to now being a producer, producing at least two shows a week in just two years. So crazy!

Good friends and co-workers have made this year so amazingly productive. This is my co-worker, Amber. She's a great producer who has given me a ton of advice.

Here's another picture with some of my favorite co-workers. I've learned so much from Amber, Chardelle and so many other people in the office. Mentorship is truly important.

This is the year my brother finally accomplished his life-long dream of becoming a police officer. I am so proud of him for overcoming so many obstacles to accomplish this goal.

There's nothing better than taking time to kick back, relax and do some self care.

Before I joined my current company, I never took extended vacations. I just took days off or weekend stay-cations. I even touted it as an accomplishment.

But after I joined my current company, I realized how important it is to recharge your batteries so you can do your best work. So this trip to West Palm Beach was a real accomplishment. 

This year I finally transformed from YouTube watcher to a YouTube creator. That's right, I've started my own channel Stephanie Lives Joyfully. I currently have four videos, and I'm working on a fifth right now. Go now and subscribe to my channel so you can watch it as soon as it goes up.

I had a fabulous Thanksgiving with my sister. We lounged around and watched some our favorite movies and T.V. shows. I'm glad we spent that quality time together. Family really is important.

This year I finally was able to go to my station's company party. In the past, I couldn't go because I worked weekends. This year I finally have weekends off so David and I got dolled up and went to that party.

David was the perfect plus one. He chatted up my boss, and even when out on the dance floor with me.

These really are my best nine photos and memories of 2017. Amazingly, none of these photos came up in the digital #bestnineof2017

I challenge you to put together your own best nine of 2017 and post it on Instagram with the hashtag #stephlivesjoyfully so I can see it.


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